What you will need to do on this course unit?

After successful completion of this online course - Unit 3RAI you will be able to;

Complete the unit assignment from the management brief which is detailed below:

Your management team is considering a restructuring of the organisation to meet new business demands and trends for the future. Different skills sets and redeployment of resources will be needed. You have been asked to produce a report to outline ways in which data might assist the team to re-organise the workforce.

Compile a written report of approximately 1000 words for your management team setting out the following:

a)     Set out briefly the different ways in which an organisation might collect and record HR data and give two reasons why it is necessary for any organisation to do this. Give a short explanation of how different types of organisational data collected can support HR practice and the management team when restructuring the organisation and redeploying personnel.

b)     Describe the systems used for recording the data from two of the types of data identified in a) above and describe two methods of data storage. What are the benefits of using these storage systems?

c)     Explain two legal requirements that any organisation must take into account when recording, storing and accessing HR data.

d)     Set out your analysis and explanations of the employee engagement survey data. From your analysis develop three possible recommendations, explaining why you feel these would help your management team when restructuring the organisation.

Please note; the employee engagement survey data is shown towards the end of your online course.

Last modified: Monday, 29 April 2019, 8:43 PM