Task 2: Create a Spaced Revision Grid

In this spreadsheet, at the bottom, there is a page for each lecture (you could have a different excel document for each of your courses). Within each page, there is a column on the far left where you can add key questions from the lectures. A good way to identify the key things you should know in order to test yourself is to turn each lecture's ILOs (intended learning outcomes) into questions. When you come to revise, you should test your ability to answer these questions without looking at your notes. If you do well, you could highlight the testing column in green. If you struggled and had to look at your notes, maybe highlight the column in orange. And if you had no idea where to start, maybe highlight it in red. This is a good way to track your knowledge for each lecture and your ability to recall information without looking at your notes. In so doing, you will be able to target your revision to the most difficult parts of a lecture. 

For the problematic questions, look at the SMART goal section of this course and think about how you will improve your understanding of the topic, using a specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals. Your goals should detail the lecture materials you will use and the memory techniques that you will use to get a grasp on the topic. You could then add your goal into your weekly planner. For more advice on effective revision, see the additional resources section.

Last modified: Sunday, 9 August 2020, 4:30 PM