Fact or myth- answers!


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Disabled children are almost four times more likely to suffer all forms of abuse

Additionally, disabled children often lack the ability to understand or report abuse

2) Myth!

Children are more likely to be abused by someone they know.

An NSPCC study showed that 90% of children sexually abused were abused by someone they know. 

3) Fact!

Allegations made against 70 aid workers who were extorting sex from children in exchange for desperately needed aid supplies. 
Information gathered from children and adults in refugee camps throughout West Africa.

 UNHCR and Save the Children 2002

4) Myth!

Although the majority of sexual abuse perpetrators are male, in around 5-10% the perpetrator is female. 

5) Myth!

Child abuse can happen in any family, regardless of wealth, education and culture. It can happen anywhere in the world.

Last modified: Tuesday, 17 November 2020, 1:20 PM