Further reading


Borton, T. (1970) Reach, Touch, and Teach. McGrath-Hill, London

Caldwell, P. (2005) Finding You, Finding Me: Using Intensive Interaction to Get in Touch With People With Severe Learning Disabilities Combined With Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London

Cater-Johnson, A. (2016) Iris Grace, Penguin Books Ltd, London

Pistorius, M. (2011) Ghost Boy, Simon & Schuster,



Bunning, K., Heath, B. & Minnion, A. (2009). Communication and empowerment: a place for rich and multiple media? Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities,22, 370-379.  IF: 1.069

Bunning, K., Kwiatkowska, G., Weldin, N. (2012) People with Profound and Multiple Intellectual Disabilities Using Symbols to Control a Computer: Exploration of User Engagement and Supporter Facilitation. Journal of Assistive Technology, V24 n4 p259-270

Firth, G. ( 2007) Intensive Interaction as a Novel Approach in Social Care: Care Staff’s Views on the Practice Change Process. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Graham_Firth/publication/229924077_Intensive_Interaction_as_a_Novel_Approach_in_Social_Care_Care_Staff%27s_Views_on_the_Practice_Change_Process/links/54632ee70cf2cb7e9da68077.pdf (Accessed 08/04/2016)

Hewett, D. (2007) Intensive Interaction http://www.davehewett.com/intensive.php

Hooper, J. (2002) Using music to develop peer interaction: an examination of the response of two subjects with a learning disability British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 30, pp. 166 - 170

http://www.mind.org.uk/Information/Booklets/Understanding/Understanding+autism+in+children+and+adolescents.htm ((Accessed 16/03/2016)

Kwiatkowska, G. (2016) One Page Profiles and EHCS the  Wiki Way http://www.specialneedsjungle.com/one-page-profiles-and-ehc-plans-the-wiki-way/  (Accessed 16/03/2016)

Leaning, B. (2006) From the inside looking out – an Intensive Interaction group for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, Vol 34, pp. 103 – 109

Thurman, S. (2005) Without words – meaningful information for people with high individual communication needs British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2005, 33, pp. 83 - 89

Ware, J. (2003) Creating a Responsive Environment David Fulton Publishers: London



Children and Families Act 2014 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2014/6/contents/enacted (Accessed 16/03/2016)

Communication Matters Website www.communicationmatters.org.uk (Accessed 16/03/2016)

Communication Trust Website www.communicationtrust.org.uk (Accessed 16/03/2016)

Involve Me – Practical Guide. How to involve people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) in decision-making and consultation https://www.mencap.org.uk/sites/default/files/documents/Involve%20Me%20practical%20guide_full%20version.pdf (Accessed 16/03/2016)

Mabel Cooper’s Documentary (2015) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZAgOs4Ngn4 (Mabel Cooper’s video) (Accessed 16/03/2016)

Story Telling http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/news_story.htm?id=6537  (Accessed 16/03/2016)

Symbol World http://www.symbolworld.org/stories/stories/index4.htm (Accessed 16/03/2016)

Talking Mats http://www.talkingmats.com/ (Accessed 16/03/2016)
