In some people's eyes the development of relationships is a good end in itself, as it is in relationships that we express our humanity. Young people with few good-quality relationships in their lives often find that entering into informal relationships with adults who respect, accept, like and really listen to them is a new life experience. These relationships can offer the young people new perspectives on approaching, developing and managing quality relationships of their own. This free course, Professional relationships with young people, explores different approaches in developing relationships and working practices which can inform work with young people.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
identify the importance of developing positive professional relationships with young people
recognise the qualities and attitudes which support the development of professional and helping relationships
describe what a 'good' professional relationship is, and some ways to develop them
demonstrate awareness that ending relationships positively is as important as planning to develop relationships.
The course was very informative and opened to more ways of understanding young people.
What I learnt from the course will be very useful in my work with Cygnet health care
This was an excellent course, it helped me to evaluate at which stage of a young person apprenticeship require what type of professional relationship within my organisation and what I endeavour to achieve at each stage. For example I start off the relationship in a Suopervisory role which then matures into a facilitation and mentoring role. A very good introdutction.
What I learnt from the course will be very useful in my work with Cygnet health care