5.2 Digital governance and information security
Some organisations have separate departments to lead digital governance and information security activity. They normally ensure that legal responsibilities, professional and internal standards, processes and strategies are in place. This allows organisations and individuals to develop the behaviours which ensure a consistent approach to operating in a digital environment.
Digital governance and information security can include areas such as:
- GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations)
- information security
- data, information and digital knowledge management
- intellectual property and copyright
- accessibility and inclusion
- digital brands
- communication and content.
Many organisations use the Data Management Association (DAMA) international framework as an approach to data governance and understanding what needs to be considered.
In the video below, Nicola Askham, The Data Governance Coach, explains the framework and considerations for good data governance.

Activity 15 Think about what should be within a digital governance framework
This course does not cover all your responsibilities in detail, as these will vary from organisation to organisation: we recommend you spend some time considering what policies, processes and compliance training you are required to do within your HEI or place of work.
Not all organisations have a detailed digital governance framework in place. They may have frameworks and strategy elements of ‘digital activity’. A digital governance framework is different to a data governance framework which focuses on the management of data.
Watch the video about the ‘The OCED Digital Government Policy Framework’ which provides insights into what as an organisation you may wish to consider to support the development of a digital governance framework.
OECD Digital Government Policy Framework [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
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