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An introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER)
An introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER)

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6 Ideas for further reading and exploration

  1. Here are three blogs you might enjoy exploring. Their authors raise a number of interesting questions, including those of relevance to openness:

    You could also try Stephen Downes’ blog , and sign up to daily alerts.

  2. “OER university” to cut cost of degree ’, wrote the Times Higher Education in early 2011. You could search to see how it has developed.
  3. If you enjoy UK literature, you may be interested to see how the connections between twentieth-century UK novelists have been presented in OpenLearn.
  4. OER Readiness in Africa (2010) by Pauline Ngimwa – a report focusing on the technological and human factors that have a bearing on the distribution and use of OER in three African countries.
  5. There’s more on OER in the developing world in Perryman, L., Buckler, A. and Seal, T. (2014) Learning from TESS-India’s approach to OER localisation across multiple Indian states . This explores the challenges of repurposing OER to meet the needs of India’s teacher educators, and shows how the context in which OER are to be used can affect the ways in which they are repurposed.
  6. D’Antoni, S. and Savage, C. (eds) (2010) Open Educational Resources – Conversations in Cyberspace , Paris, UNESCO; also available online at ci/ en/ ev.php-URL_ID=28899&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html .
  7. Weller, M. (2014) The Battle for Open: How Openness Won and Why it Doesn’t Feel Like Victory , London, Ubiquity Press; DOI: 10.5334/ bam .