Education & Development
Guide to studying through medium of Welsh at university
myf.cymru has developed this short guide to help you prepare for university, with a focus on resources and services available through the medium of Welsh.

Education & Development
Making the most of UCAS events
Career and University fairs like UCAS events can feel a little overwhelming but they don’t have to be. Find out tips to enhance your UCAS events experience.

Education & Development
An introduction to Higher Education and choosing a course
This session from Cardiff University covers how to research courses, university teaching methods, student life and finance.

Education & Development
Level up your study skills for university
There’s no right way to study, it’s all about finding what works best for you. In this webinar from Cardiff University, you’ll learn more about different study techniques and revision tips.

Education & Development
UCAS and Clearing - Advice for parents and guardians
Familiarising yourself with UCAS is a great starting point to supporting your young person through the application process.

Education & Development
Parent and guardians: Your questions answered
From UCAS applications through to finding the right student halls, there are so many aspects to supporting someone as they start university. Alexandra Roberts from the University of South Wales is here to answer your questions.

Education & Development
University Ready - guide for teachers and staff
How to get started using University Ready as a resource with students who are considering higher education.

Health, Sports & Psychology
How to manage the digital-related stress of technology
How can we avoid the stress and anxiety associated with the digital age? Dr Gini Harrison and Dr Mathijs Lucassen give us five tips...

Education & Development
Support for part-time students
Student Finance Wales offer funding to support with your part-time studies.

Education & Development
Extra support for students with children or adult dependants
If you have children or adult dependants, grants are available to provide extra support while you study.

Education & Development
Extra help for disabled students: Disabled Students' Allowance
Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) is a grant to support disabled students in higher education within the UK.

Education & Development
Fitting in and adapting to university life
It's only natural to wonder how you'll fit in at university. Higher Education students at Cardiff and the Vale College share their tips for finding your place.