3.2 Six core values of nursing
Nursing is a profession based on a number of key values, but what is a value in the context of nursing?
Nursing values are fundamental beliefs within the profession. They are what the profession means and shape the actions that those within the profession take.
The NHS in England defines six core values, labelled the 6 C’s. These values are fundamental and recognised across the UK.
They are care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment.
Activity 5 Exploring your own values
Watch Video 2 and reflect on your own values by answering the questions that follow. There are no right and wrong answers as these are your values that you would bring to nursing.

Transcript: Video 2
Why do you think it is important to treat people with respect and dignity? What does this look like to you?
Why do you think people deserve care from those who have the appropriate skills and knowledge?
Think of a time when you were communicating well either in a work setting or at home. How did effective communication help in that situation?
Think of a time when you have had to be courageous, when maybe you have had to stand up for yourself or someone else. Was this difficult? How did you feel? What do you think you achieved?
Reflect on a time in your life (personal or working life) when you have committed to something and there has been a positive outcome. How did it feel?
Your answers will reflect the values you hold. When universities select students for nursing courses, they often ask questions about your values to find those people whose values align with the values of nursing.
Nursing practice in Wales and the ‘Active Offer’
Language is at the heart of effective clinical assessment and safe treatment, and especially so for certain patient groups. The ‘Active Offer’ is a responsibility on health and social care providers in Wales to offer services in Welsh, rather than on the patient or service user to have to request them.
The Welsh language is part of daily life and practice in Wales. Making an ‘Active Offer’ recognises that effective communication is key to meeting the needs of Welsh-speaking patients, as well as ensuring patient safety by way of accurate communication and maintaining respect and dignity towards patients and clients. Everyone can contribute, whether you are a Welsh language learner or completely fluent.
The Welsh Government have a Five Year Plan [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] aimed at improving this area. Your awareness, knowledge, and skills in language sensitivity for patient care could contribute to your competence achievement as a nursing student and can also contribute to your future employability in Wales.