- Achaeans
- one of the names Homer uses to refer to the Greeks who fought at Troy
- bard
- a skilled singer and musician who improvised songs on mythical themes while performing them for a live audience
- epic
- in ancient literature, lengthy narrative poems (such as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey), usually telling of the exploits of a hero or heroes, and often involving battles or difficult journeys as well as supernatural characters
- epithets
- in Homeric poetry, adjectives or short phrases used repeatedly to describe a particular character
- Hellas
- Greek term meaning ‘Greece’
- nostos
- (plural nostoi) Greek term meaning ‘homecoming’
- nymph
- one of several minor divinities, usually taking the form of a young woman and often associated with a particular location or natural feature. The nymph Calypso lives on the island of Ogygia in the Odyssey and rescues Odysseus when he is shipwrecked there
- Pallas
- one of the names given to the goddess Athena
- simile
- a figure of speech in which one thing is compared to something different. In English, these are usually introduced by the words ‘like’ or ‘as’
- Sirens
- mythical creatures, often depicted as half-woman and half-bird. In the Odyssey they lure sailors to their death with their singing