In this course you have gained an understanding of the overall plot and structure of the Odyssey as well as focusing in on some key episodes – particularly the reunion of Penelope and Odysseus in Book 23 – which have helped you to understand more about some of the poem’s important characters. By closely reading short passages of text you have thought in detail about some of the ways in which Homer constructs these characters, as well as learning about some key features of epic poetry – for example, the use of epithets and similes. You have also spent time thinking about some of the key themes of the Odyssey, for example:
- different types of heroism – both in the modern world and in the world of Homeric poetry
- gender roles in the poem
- homecoming
- disguise and recognition.
Now that you have developed some of the key skills required for close reading of a poem, you might consider reading more of the Odyssey in a translation of your choice. You may also wish to explore more ancient texts.
If you would like to expand your skills and knowledge further, follow up some of the suggestions in the ‘Taking it further’ section.