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Language in the real world
Language in the real world

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Further reading

For more examples of applied linguistics in action read the following OpenLearn articles:

Leedham, M. (2014) ‘Can I use ‘we’ and ‘I’ in my essay? Introducing corpus linguistics’, OpenLearn [Online]. Available at openlearn/ languages/ more-languages/ linguistics/ can-i-use-we-and-i-my-essay-introducing-corpus-linguistics [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Accessed 9 November 2016).

Demjén, Z. (2013) ‘Can corpus linguistics help with branding?’, OpenLearn [Online]. Availabe at openlearn/ languages/ can-corpus-linguistics-help-branding (Accessed 9 November 2016).

Monaghan, F. (2016) ‘David Bowie: identity is creativity’, OpenLearn [Online]. Availabe at openlearn/ languages/ more-languages/ linguistics/ david-bowie-identity-creativity (Accessed 9 November 2016).

Nakayiza, J. and Ssentanda, M. (2015) ‘Is English squeezing out local languages in Uganda?’, OpenLearn [Online]. Availabe at openlearn/ languages/ more-languages/ linguistics/ english-squeezing-out-local-languages-uganda (Accessed 9 November 2016).

Demjén, Z. (2015) ‘Sylvia Plath and the linguistics of depression’, OpenLearn [Online]. Availabe at openlearn/ languages/ more-languages/ linguistics/ sylvia-plath-and-the-linguistics-depression (Accessed 9 November 2016).

Demjén, Z. (2014) ‘What’s in a name?’ OpenLearn [Online]. Availabe at openlearn/ languages/ whats-name (Accessed 9 November 2016).

For a more detailed overview of the field of applied linguistics see:

Simpson, J. (2011) The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics, Abingdon, Routledge.

Hall, C.J., Smith, P.H., and Wicaksono, R. (2011) Mapping Applied Linguistics, Abingdon, Routledge.