Wales glossary
Wales glossary
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1935 DemonstrationsMarches of c.300,000 people in south Wales protesting against the new Unemployment Assistance Board Act which enforced strict limits on the amount local Boards of Guardians could give in unemployment benefit. | |
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Aberconwy, Treaty of (1277)Treaty between Llywelyn ap Gruffudd and Edward I under which Llywelyn retained his title of Prince of Wales, but lost feudal overlordship over most of the other Welsh princes. | |
Ablett, NoahRhondda-born Marxist miners’ leader. Inspirational leader of left-wing socialists in Wales. One of authors of the Miners’ Next Step. | |
Abraham, William (Mabon)Miners’ agent. Elected Liberal MP for new constituency of Rhondda in 1885 and first president of South Wales Miners' Federation. Believed in a policy of co-operation with the owners. | |
AbsolutionFormal remission of penance by the Church, a recognition of forgiveness. | |
Act of Union, First (1536)Act of the English Parliament under which Wales was 'incorporated' into the state of England. One of the two most important of a series of Acts uniting Wales with England. See also Act of Union, Second (1543). | |
Act of Union, Second (1543)Act of Parliament providing the structure of local government in Wales, based upon the English system of shires and justices of the peace. One of the two most important of a series of Acts uniting Wales with England. See also Act of Union, First (1536). | |
Addison, ChristopherLiberal reforming politician. Minister in Lloyd George’s 1918 government, responsible for an important housing and town planning act under which large numbers of houses were built. The programme suffered from the Geddes economies of 1922. (See Geddes’ Axe). | |
AdvowsonThe right of presentment or of appointment to clerical livings. | |