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Welsh history and its sources
Welsh history and its sources

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Wales glossary

Wales glossary

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An issuing house and repository for government legal documents.

Chancery for Wales

An important court which developed in England in the fifteenth century. It could make law. It dealt with land ownership and contract cases.


Small chapels, set up from medieval times by individual endowments, mainly for the purpose of saying Mass for the dead.


The canons of a cathedral acting as a management committee.

Charles, Thomas

(1755–1814) Leading Welsh Methodist of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, especially famous for organising Sunday schools.


A mainly working–class movement aimed at extending the vote and reforming Parliament. Worked for the People's Charter (hence the name) after 1838, demanding universal suffrage, annual Parliaments, secret ballot, payment of members of Parliament, equal electoral districts and the abolition of the property qualification for MPs. Prominent in the years 1837-48.

Chartist Rising

Churchill, Winston

Home Secretary 191011. Holder of major government offices at intervals 190829. Prime Minister 19405, 19515.

Church Rates

Taxes which went towards the upkeep of the established Church, therefore incensing Nonconformist Wales. Attempts at abolition were channelled into Parliament. There were unsuccessful abolition bills in 1837, 1861 and 1867.


Site of the death of Llywelyn the Last, Prince of Wales, on 11 December 1282.

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