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Welsh history and its sources
Welsh history and its sources

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Wales glossary

Wales glossary

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Welsh National Memorial

Launched by David Davies, MP, with a gift of £125,000 in 1910. Concerned with investigating social deprivation in Wales, especially to counter the high incidence of tuberculosis in Wales.

Welsh Not

Piece of wood put around the necks of pupils who spoke Welsh in schools.

Welsh Office

Established in April 1965 under Harold Wilson’s new Labour government, the Welsh Office was a central government department responsible for Welsh issues. The Secretary of State for Wales was its head. Its headquarters were in Whitehall, London. With devolution, its powers were largely transferred to the Welsh Assembly Government.


A community, within a royal shire, governed according to Welsh law.

Wesleyan Methodists

Wesley, John

(170391) Leader of the Wesleyan Methodists.

Western Vindicator

Chartist newspaper published in Bath, 1839–40.

Wey (Weigh)

Measure of coal, equal to about eight tons.


Political grouping in opposition to the Tories in the nineteenth century. Associated with radical policies. Developed eventually into the Liberal Party in the second half of the nineteenth century.

Wilkes, John

(1727–97) Radical English politician and journalist, arrested by a general warrant for seditious libel in 1763. His case established the important principle that general warrants are illegal.

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