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Getting started with German 1
Getting started with German 1

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2 Where are you from?

In the next two activities you will hear German speakers pronouncing different place names, before getting a chance to practise pronouncing them yourself.

Activity 2

To start with, listen to Audio 1. Where are these people from?

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Now look at the map in Figure 9. (You might remember it from last week). Can you see the places you have just heard on the audio?

Described image
Figure 9 Map of Germany, Switzerland and Austria

Listen to the audio again and note down the place names you can hear. Then check your spelling with the ones on the map. If it’s different, correct the spelling.

Now listen to the audio again and say the place names out loud. If it helps, use the transcript to read along.

Have you found all the places you just heard in the audio? What about the other places on the map? Can you guess how to pronounce them? Don’t worry if you are unsure, you will hear more place names in the next audio tracks and will get a chance to practise their pronunciation.

Activity 3

Now listen to more names of places in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in Audio 2. First, listen and repeat, then find the places on the map (Figure 9) from the previous activity. Where are they? In Deutschland? In Österreich? In der Schweiz?

Say it in German:


Das ist Rostock. Rostock ist in Deutschland.

Das ist Wien. Wien ist in Österreich.

Das ist Zürich. Zürich ist in der Schweiz.

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