1 Why is breast health important?
Experiencing breast pain can deter women from participating in sport and exercise, which can be due to discomfort or embarrassment. For example, in a study with 2,000 girls aged 11–17 years, 46% reported that their breasts had some effect on their participation in sports and exercise.
Breast concerns were high with 73% reporting more than one breast-specific concern in sports; with breast bounce being most prevalent (38%) (Scurr et al., 2016). The evidence suggests that many suffer from breast pain and discomfort. For example, Brown et al. (2014) found that 32% of marathon runners experienced breast pain and for 17% of them, it impacted how much training they could do. Finally, poor breast support can impact upon performance. Studies by the Research Group in Breast Health at Portsmouth University have demonstrated that running with insufficient breast support can make exercise feel harder, increase the risk of injuries to the lower limbs, and decrease stride length by 4cm and make running mechanics less economical, which means more energy is used for a given intensity and that can accelerate the onset of fatigue (Research Group in Breast Health, 2021).
Activity 1 What is the problem?
The correct answer is a.
False. The only support to the breast is provided by the Cooper’s ligaments and the skin.
The correct answer is a.
True. Due to their weight, larger breasts place more stress on the supporting structures and can potentially cause more pain.
The correct answer is a.
True. Repeated high impact forces without appropriate support can cause irreparable damage to the ligaments and skin that support the breasts.
Good breast support has the potential to positively influence both participation and performance in sport and exercise, yet education around breast health and breast support is currently very poor (Brown et al., 2018). By empowering girls and women with knowledge and awareness of breast health and bra fit there are several positive outcomes: body confidence, health and participation in physical activity can all be significantly improved.