5 Final thoughts on coaching female athletes
Sports coaches, athlete management and athlete support currently use male performance as their default position but throughout this course you have focused on how to take into account the different and diverse needs of active females in sport and fitness.
Having a knowledge and understanding of these specific needs should give you the confidence to engage with female athletes and be able to have conversations about important subjects. Understanding what female athletes need out of the coach-athlete relationship will help too. This is particularly important if it is a male coach working with female athletes.
Activity 3 Do not make assumptions!
Listen to the audio clip where Dr Caroline Heaney in conversation with Simon Rea discusses the importance of male coaches having conversations with female athletes they coach. Then answer the following question:
- Why is it important that a male coach discusses subjects such as periods with their female athletes?
Apart from the positive outcomes around performance that can come from these conversations it is part of developing a positive coach-athlete relationship. As Caroline says it is vital for the coach to know everything about their athlete to be able to coach them effectively. Making it an issue that should be dealt with the females in a club could have a negative impact on the coach-athlete relationship.
The final word on this is left to Dr Emma Ross who has supported every session in this course.