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Supporting older people with learning disabilities and their families
Supporting older people with learning disabilities and their families

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NHS Digital (2022) ‘Adult Social Care Activity and Finance Report, England, 2021–22’. Available at: data-and-information/ publications/ statistical/ adult-social-care-activity-and-finance-report/ 2021-22 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Accessed: 16 March 2023).
Ryan, S., Wallace, L., Tilley, E., Tufrey-Wijne, I., Mikulak, M., Anderson, R., Vaid, A., Bebbington, P., Keagan-Bull, R., Morrissey, E. and Martin, A. (2023) ‘Improving support and planning ahead for older people with learning disabilities and family carers; a mixed methods study’. Final Monograph Report, NIHR129491.
SCLD (2019) ‘Learning Disability Statistics, Scotland 2019’. Available at: wp-content/ uploads/ 2019/ 12/ Learning-Disability-Statistics-Scotland-2019.pdf (Accessed: 16 March 2023).
StatsWales (2023) ‘Persons with learning disabilities by local authority, service and age range’. Available at: Catalogue/ Health-and-Social-Care/ Social-Services/ Disability-Registers/ personswithlearningdisabilities-by-localauthority-service-agerange (Accessed: 16 March 2023).
Tilley, E., Jordan, J., Larkin, M., Vseteckova, J., Ryan, S. and Wallace, L. (2023) ‘Transitions for older people with intellectual disabilities and behaviours that challenge others: A rapid scoping review’. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Volume 36, Issue 2. Pages 207–29.