1 Person-centred approaches
The case studies of Becky, Geoff, Robin and Susie all demonstrated examples of people being supported in person-centred ways. While you were encouraged to take a critical approach to these case studies, identifying how the support people received could be improved, you will also have observed elements in each person’s story that showed how practitioners and family members were working hard to ensure that people’s individuals needs, preferences and wishes were being met.
Watch Gail discussing the importance of supporting people in person-centred ways before moving onto the first activity in this session:

Activity 1 Using planning ahead cards
During our research we worked alongside people with learning disabilities and family members to produce a set of practical ‘planning ahead cards’ to support conversations with people with learning disabilities who are getting older. The cards can be used by practitioners and family carers to prompt discussions with a person with learning disabilities about their future. There are seven sets of cards, covering the topics of ‘things I like to do’; ‘things I might need help with’; ‘home: what is important?’; ‘people in my life’; ‘about me’; ‘mum or dad getting ill or dying’; ‘information cards’. The information cards cover topics such as housing, rights, benefits and funding, needs assessments, and advocacy.
Watch the video that explains how to use the cards: How to use Planning Ahead Cards for people with learning disabilities [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .
Now spend a few minutes reviewing the cards:
Finally, make some notes about how you might use these cards to facilitate more person-centred practice with the people you support. Are there particular cards that you think would be particularly useful? Can you think of people you support and/or their families who might benefit from using a resource like this?
The Planning Ahead cards should be a useful resource to enhance your own practice, enabling you to have sensitive and constructive conversations with the people you support.