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Physical and mental health for young children
Physical and mental health for young children

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Session 4: Preventable communicable and non-communicable health conditions


In this session you will focus on some of the contemporary health conditions, some of which have already been mentioned in previous sessions. Many of these conditions are preventable. The content will give an overview of some of the causes and will look at some of the short- and long-term impacts of these conditions on babies’ and children’s lives. It will also examine some of the ways that health conditions can be prevented, for example through immunisation programmes. The benefits of health promotion will be explored in relation to the individual conditions.

This course aims to look at ways to support all children, and it’s important to bear in mind that many are more vulnerable than others. For example, many children ‘catch’ a cold, they usually feel unwell for a few days but make a quick recovery. However, a child who has complex medical needs, disability or a chronic health condition, may be more vulnerable to the effects of an infection.

A list of resources to support health promotion interventions that settings have found useful is included at the end of this session.