6 Summary of Session 6
The content of this session has introduced you to the Child Health Promotion Toolkit which includes the 5 steps which was developed to provide guidance to practitioners who are involved in supporting and promoting children’s health. The content has drawn on the experiences of the practitioners who were involved in piloting the Toolkit. You were also given the opportunity to engage with the Toolkit and relate it to your own practice. Before moving on to Session 7, consider the following questions.
Activity 4 Questions for reflection
- What aspects of this session’s learning did you find most and least helpful? Why?
- What do you consider to be your three main learning points from the session?
- What further reading or research might you like to do before the next session?
In Session 7, you will look in more detail at how professionals and parents can work together to identify health promotion priorities. The content gives practical ideas drawn from the pilot research. When you are ready, move on to Session 7 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .