4 Working together to make a difference
In the next video Karen gives some of her reflections about the healthy eating and drinking activities that were put in place using the 5 Steps in the pilot research.
Activity 4 Promoting children’s health: working together to make a difference
As you watch the video, consider the key messages that Karen gives.
Transcript: Video 2 promoting children’s health, working together to make a difference
Karen says that looking back, she would like to have included more feedback and input from the parents. This emphasises the importance of working with parents
Karen highlights the importance of the role that practitioners can play in making a difference to children’s health. However, they need to feel empowered to do so. She makes the point that in order to feel empowered in their role, they need to have the knowledge about health-related matters. Karen describes how doing a weaning course helped her to develop her knowledge which in turn helped her to increase her confidence.
By increasing knowledge, Karen explained how practitioners can provide information for parents. She describes part of her role as ‘myth busting’, for example, she can dispel the belief that oral health isn’t so important for babies and young children because they’re ‘only their baby teeth’. She describes how she was able to inform parents and children of the importance of oral health by inviting a dental nurse to come into the nursery.
Karen highlights that not all parents will find it easy to make changes that will promote and support their children’s health, but by working together, and sometimes including outside agencies, together a difference can be made.
In the next section, you will pick up on Karen’s comments in the video about the ‘Rs of health promotion.