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Physical and mental health for young children
Physical and mental health for young children

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5 The ‘Rs’ of health promotion in Early Childhood education and Care settings

This section discusses some of the points that emerged from this research that are useful to bear in mind when identifying, implementing and evaluating health promotion activities. The themes that emerged were all words starting with ‘R’, hence the ‘Rs of health promotion’ as illustrated in Figure 7.

Hexagonal shapes with text inside them. The centre hexagon has the text: the R’s of health promotion. Then surrounding this hexagon are 6 further hexagons. From the top, going clockwise, they have the following text: 1. role and role model 2. responsibility 3. relevant and realistic 4. built on relationships 5. embedded in routines 6. resources needed
Figure 7 The Rs of health promotion

Figure 8 describes the ‘Rs of health promotion’ in more detail. Click on the boxes on the left-hand side to reveal the explanatory text.

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Figure 8 (interactive)
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Photograph of children sat around a table eating fruit.
Figure 9 Healthy eating opportunities can be introduced during everyday routines in your setting