6 Summary of Session 7
This session has looked at some of the reasons why working with parents is important to promote babies and young children’s health. In the videos, you have heard Karen’s thoughts about some of the keys to success in carrying out an intervention, and a main point highlighted is the importance of working together. Working together means not only working with parents, but all who work in the nursery and sometimes can include other agencies, such as including a dental nurse. And the final section looked at the ‘Rs of health promotion’.
Activity 5 Questions for reflection
- What aspects of this session’s learning did you find most and least helpful? Why?
- What do you consider to be your three main learning points from the session?
- What further reading or research might you like to do before the next session?
Now go to Session 8 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .