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Physical and mental health for young children
Physical and mental health for young children

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Session 8: Challenges and solutions to working together to promote children’s health


In the final session of this course, you will look at some of the challenges that are associated with promoting the health of babies and young children. And very importantly, you’ll look at some of the solutions to remove barriers that can cause challenges. There are case studies that are aimed at exploring some of the contemporary child health conditions that are causing concern and need to be addressed. The case studies focus on childhood obesity, oral health, communicable diseases, specifically looking at vaccine hesitancy and mental health. Challenges and possible solutions are discussed, taking into account the different perspectives of those involved, that is children, parents, and professionals.

The session will conclude with suggested next steps that need to be taken by individuals, including professional and parents, government and globally, to take responsibility for actions to improve, support and promote children’s health.

In the following section, you will hear from Karen and Nicola, the managers at the nursery where the Toolkit and the 5 Steps were piloted. In the video, they give an overview of the challenges they faced in relation to introducing healthy eating and drinking in their nursery.