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Physical and mental health for young children
Physical and mental health for young children

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1 Challenges and solutions

This section looks at some of the challenges that Karen and Nicola, the managers at the nursery, came across during the nursery’s healthy eating and drinking campaign.

Activity 1 Challenges and benefits to promoting health – Managers’ perspective

Timing: 10 minutes

In the following video, Karen and Nicola describe some of the challenges. As you watch the video, make a note of the challenges that Karen and Nicola describe in the video.

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Karen and Nicola talk about how it was challenging to become a water or milk only nursery. Karen and Nicola point out that changing people’s mindsets and routines can be difficult.

They described how the differences between what happens at home compared to what happens in nursery became more apparent when they introduced the change to a water, or milk, only nursery. Similarly, the different approaches between home and nursery became evident in what was included in lunch boxes that were sent in from home. They often included lots of different choices of food and frequently included less healthy options.

They realised that some of the parents’ reluctance to try healthier options was because of their fears that some foods may put their child at risk of choking. Such fears meant that parents were keen to give their child pureed foods, and were reluctant to give them crunchy foods, for example, carrot sticks. However, as Karen says, if children don’t have the opportunity to eat crunchy foods, this can have an impact on their oral health and can be a cause of tooth decay. A lack of crunchy food means that children aren’t having the opportunity to develop the jaw muscles that are needed to develop speech and language.

The following section looks at some possible solutions to removing barriers and challenges.