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Physical and mental health for young children
Physical and mental health for young children

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3 What can be done about other contemporary child health conditions?

Throughout the course, it’s been highlighted how important it is to take into consideration the factors that influence health within the child, the family, wider community and society. The content of Session 6 introduced the Toolkit which includes the 5 Steps that have been created to support early years pre-school care and education settings to improve the health of their children. In Session 7, the content focused on how one setting used the Toolkit to identify an intervention aimed at making eating and drinking healthier.

In Session 4, you looked at some of the preventable communicable and non-communicable conditions that are having a negative impact on children’s health in the UK today. Also in Session 4, you looked at the causes, some statistics and possible prevention of some communicable health conditions, as well as non-communicable conditions such as oral health, some conditions caused by inadequate nutrition, such as obesity and mental health.

In the following section, you’ll look at suggestions of how to approach improving some of these conditions.