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Introducing social care and social work
Introducing social care and social work

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Session 3: Supporting and protecting people in social care and social work


Some people may need support and assistance with life activities, while others may need protection from neglect or harm. In this session, you will consider different types of social care and social work services, identifying how they provide care and protection to service users.

In Session 1 you explored different types of roles in social care and social work. Just as these are varied and diverse, so too are the reasons why people need to engage with these services. In Session 2 you examined identities and life experiences that may lead people to needing care and protection services.

You’ll now examine the types of care and protection services in more detail. You will also look at important concepts that inform and underpin social care and social work services.

When you have studied this session, you should be able to:

  • identify why ‘care and protection’ is important in social care and social work
  • explain the diversity of people, roles and services
  • recognise the core concepts that underpin social care and social work practice.