Next steps in mastering systems thinking in practice
There are a number of next steps you could take on your journey to mastering systems thinking in practice. Here are some options.
You might be interested in looking at the following free courses on OpenLearn:
- Strategic planning: systems thinking in practice [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
- Systems diagramming
- Systems modelling
- Diagramming for development 1 – Bounding realities
- Diagramming for development 2 – Exploring interrelationships
These, and other free courses and resources can also be found through the Systems Thinking Hub on OpenLearn.
Another aspect to note here is that if you get the prior learning you have done here acknowledged by gaining the badge associated with this course, you can use this as evidence within the recognition of prior learning module U810 Continuing professional development in practice which is part of the Systems thinking in Practice programme.
One way to carry on that journey is to sign up for The Open University’s Systems Thinking in Practice programme that involves three nested qualifications:
- Postgraduate Certificate in Systems Thinking in Practice (60 credits)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Systems Thinking in Practice (120 credits)
- MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice (180 credits)
More details of this programme can be found at Systems thinking in practice page at The Open University.
And if you live and work in England then you may also be interested in the Systems Thinking Practitioner Apprenticeship available from The Open University.
The STiP postgraduate programme was initiated by members of the Applied Systems Thinking in Practice Group’s collaboration in the publication of four Systems books – co-published by the OU and Springer:
- Systems Thinkers by Magnus Ramage and Karen Shipp. You can also view some sample chapters.
- Systems Approaches to Managing Change: A Practical Guide edited by Martin Reynolds and Sue Holwell. You can also view some sample chapters.
- Systems Practice: How to Act in a Climate Change World by Ray Ison. You can also view some sample chapters.
- Social Learning Systems and Communities of Practice edited by Chris Blackmore. You can also view some sample chapters.
There is also a very active and self-organised Systems Thinking in Practice Alumni LinkedIn group which currently has over 1,500 members.