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Moons of our Solar System
Moons of our Solar System

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1.1 Humans or robots?

In this video, Ian Crawford discusses the advantage of human exploration over robotic missions; however, there are pros and cons for each. Robotic missions are a lot cheaper than crewed missions and do not need to return to Earth, but humans are a lot more efficient at exploration. Missions to the Moon still hold a lot of prestige. Recent missions from Japan, China and India have been used by those countries as a way to demonstrate technological capability. Scientific knowledge to complement that of the Apollo era has also been obtained and international collaboration has been strengthened.

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See also:

  • Jack Schmitt radio interview [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] . Hear the ‘robots or humans?’ opinion of Jack Schmitt (of Apollo 17) in this 2015 radio interview.
  • Luna 27 interview. David Rothery talks to James Carpenter of the European Space Agency - ESTEC about the planned Luna 27 lunar lander mission (3 minutes)
  • A lunar space station? The successor to the International Space Station could be in orbit close to the Moon, according to agreements emerging in 2017.
  • Why we go to the Moon An article by Paul Spudis dated October 2017.