7 Summary of Week 7
This week you have looked at diversity and communication. You’ve considered diversity in several forms and explored ways to communicate more effectively with individuals who are different from you. You’ve learned that encouraging their ideas and input, through the use of appropriate methods or language, can enhance the workplace for everyone.
While you can never become an expert on all the differences and diversity you might encounter, issues around miscommunication are often similar across all groups in society. For example, there is little practical difference between failing to understand someone because they have a speech impairment, or because of a strong regional accent. In both cases, there are things that can be done to facilitate that understanding.
Organisations that reflect a diverse society are often more attractive to potential employees, consumers and service users. Ignoring diversity by not working to ensure a reflective work force does not make good business sense. Consequently, more and more employers are beginning to see the value that diversity brings.
You should now be able to:
- demonstrate an understanding of the recent history of diversity in the workplace
- understand some of the cultural and generational challenges that can be experienced in the workplace
- consider the perspective of disabled colleagues or clients.
Next week you will look at how communication is changing in the workplace with the impact of new technologies and different approaches.
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