Global warming: are we responsible? Is our environmental impact damaging the planet? This free course, Working with our environment: an introduction, examines the use of ozone-depleting technology, the impact of fossil fuel use and explores how the development of technology can influence the direction of a society. From the Industrial Revolution to the present day, find out how we have changed the planet.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
demonstrate an awareness of different ways in which our use of technology can affect the environment
demonstrate a set of skills in reading and interpreting texts and diagrams containing some technical descriptions.
A very interesting and engaging approach to a vital topic. Very clever in the way it weaves together so many different strands, showing the complexity of environmental and sustainability issues, the danger of looking for simple solutions to problems that nevertheless require urgent solutions! However, I do think that some of the concepts are quite advanced for a level 1 course and if the course is amended or rewritten this should be addressed.
it could be very interesting subject , however the data used if outdated, newest gov statistics are 2004 and newest publication is 1998 - this mean we are looking at data 20 years old. Time to up-date course