Richard Tol - Stories of Change
Richard S.J Tol, Professor of Economics, Sussex is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Matt Ridley - Stories of Change
Matt Ridley, journalist and author is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Jean-Pierre Gattuso - Stories of Change
Jean-Pierre Gattuso's 'Stories of Change' interview with Roger Harrabin.
Kimberly Nicholas - Stories of Change
Kimberly Nicholas' 'Stories of Change' interview with Roger Harrabin.
Thomas Stocker - Stories of Change
Thomas Stocker's 'Stories of Change' interview with Roger Harrabin.
Ben Van Beurden - Stories of Change
Ben Van Beurden, CEO of Shell is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Fatih Birol - Stories of Change
Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Lord John Browne - Stories of Change
Lord John Browne, Engineer, Businessman and former Chief Executive of BP is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Tim Lenton - Stories of Change
Tim Lenton, Professor of Climate Change and Earth System Science at the University of Exeter is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Jim Skea - Stories of Change
Jim Skea, Research Councils UK Energy Strategy Fellow and Professor of Sustainable Energy at Imperial College is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Bill McKibben - Stories of Change
Bill McKibben, founder of the grassroots climate campaign 350.org and the Schumann Distinguished Professor in Residence at Middlebury College in Vermon is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for Stories of Change.
Tamsin Edwards - Stories of Change
Tamsin Edwards, Lecturer in Environmental Sciences at the Open University, is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Camille Parmesan - Stories of Change
Professor Camille Parmesan, School of Biological Sciences, Plymouth University is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Michael Jacobs - Stories of Change
Professor Michael Jacobs, special adviser to Gordon Brown from 2004-10, is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Professor Andrew Watson - Stories of Change
Professor Andrew Watson, head of Exeter Marine and Atmospheric Science group, is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Dr Benny Peiser - Stories of Change
Dr Benny Peiser, the Director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Professor Lord Nicholas Stern - Stories of Change
Professor Lord Nicholas Stern, Economist and Chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the LSE, is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'
Dr Jean-Francois Soussana - Stories of Change
Dr Jean-Francois Soussana, Scientific Director, INRA, is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
Bill Hare - Stories of Change
Dr Bill Hare, CEO and Managing Director/Senior Scientist of Climate Analytics,is interviewed by Roger Harrabin for 'Stories of Change'.
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