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Introducing technology and innovation management

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Introducing technology and innovation management

This free course will introduce you to technology and innovation management and is relevant to managers and students of technological innovation. You will learn about innovation types and processes, how innovation can add or create value, and about the management activities that underpin the innovation and value creation process. You do not need to have worked in a technology and innovation field, or have any prior knowledge to be able to complete this course.

This content forms part of the Dangoor Education collection, the educational arm of The Exilarch's Foundation.

This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course TB801 Technology and Innovation Management.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • recognise different perspectives and value that can be added by innovation
  • appreciate innovation and diffusion processes
  • identify key 'innovation management' activities
  • understand the four key lenses of people, technology, organisational and contextual (PTOC) factors that influence and are influenced by innovation.

First Published: 24/11/2022

Updated: 24/11/2022

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