This dedicated OpenLearn content hub and the film The homeless problem, provide an introduction to some of the key issues and explain some of the reasons behind the recent increase in homeless figures.
The homeless problem
Why do people become homeless? How many people does it affect? This series of short films explores the complex reasons that lead to people finding themselves on the street and the difficulties in supporting them in light of the consequences of austerity policy.
Lessons from Covid-19: It’s time for a radical approach to homelessness and housing policies
Daniel McCulloch and Dr Victoria Cooper explore the current situation regarding homelessness and housing policy. The Government has shown they can tackle homelessness during Covid-19, so what will they do next?
No place like home: Prisons and homelessness
The homeless and especially those who are rough sleepers, comprise a disproportionate number of people in prison in England and Wales. Dr David Scott looks at why prisons and the streets are not a replacement for a true home.
LGBTQ youth and homelessness: We can all make a difference
While so much progress has been made regarding the rights of the LGBTQ community, it might come as a surprise that young people in this community are at considerable risk of becoming homeless. Dr Mathijs Lucassen explores this issue and how we can overcome it.
Britain’s dark history of criminalising the homeless
How will the current anti-homeless laws and strategies affect the increasing number of people with no fixed abode? Victoria Cooper and Daniel McCulloch explore current and historic legislation affecting the homeless.
Even the homeless can have a 'home'
A judgement in a Liverpool court has confirmed that even people without a physical home are entitled to a sense of home. Clare Kinsella explains.
Homeless people could avoid life-saving services, if there’s a risk of deportation
It’s crucial to decouple shelter and other basic goods from migration control says Dr Tendayi Bloom.
Is it possible to have respect for the poor and homeless?
During a campaign interview, Theresa May speculated on why people might visit foodbanks. The OU's Dr Dave Middleton asks if there's a balance between respectfully giving, and giving respect.
An uncomfortable truth: How Britain has criminalised rough sleepers
You can judge a society by how it treats those most in needs. The last 200 years or so of criminalisation of the homeless doesn't reflect that well on the UK.
Rough sleepers in policy and practice: chaotic and off course, or misunderstood?
Are homeless people's lives off track and disorganised? Dan McCulloch's research conveys a different story...
What's it like being homeless?
Listen to John, Paul and Danny, as they share their experiences of live on the streets. Find out how Danny travelled around the UK and why he avoided London.
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