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Why grow a tree? Barriers and boosters for landowners to adopt agroforestry

Updated Monday, 19 December 2022

Planting trees can align environmental and development goals and integrate sustainable practices into rural livelihoods. However, there are many challenges in adopting agroforestry practices. 

This content is associated with The Open University's Economics courses and qualifications.

On 27 April 2022, OU Economics hosted a seminar with Dr Aiora Zabala of The Open University and Anique Hillbrand, programme manager at OroVerde, the Tropical Forest Foundation, who shared their research and experience on forest and landscape restoration in Mexico and Guatemala.


Watch the trailer below for the seminar, Why grow a tree? Barriers and boosters for landowners to adopt agroforestry.  

PDF document Transcript 14.6 KB

Learning outcomes

Learn about the problems of land degradation and the benefits that arise from landscape restoration. You will learn about the range of motivations behind individual and community adoption of sustainable agroforestry practices as well as the range of socio-economic impacts these practices may have.

Nature-based solutions to climate change

In this video Dr Aiora Zabala explores the benefits of planting trees in productive ecosystems. She explores the motivations behind planting trees on a community and individual level and how they can lead to meeting climate pledges. She draws from her research of agroforestry in Mexico. 

Transcript (PDF document33.6 KB)

Exploring the potential of forest landscape restoration

In this video Anique Hillbrand offers an introduction to the problems of land degradation, the international initiatives around landscape restoration and the benefits and alignment with Sustainable Development Goals. She draws from extensive experience of agroforestry in Guatemala.  

PDF document Transcript 31.4 KB

Further learning materials

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OU Economics is about real-world economics: through a pluralist approach to the subject, we teach the analytical techniques and practical skills required to understand the world of production, employment, spending and borrowing, and the effects of government policy and technical innovation. Our economics degree programmes and modules are regularly updated to reflect the latest research and events.

The OU Economics Seminar Series promotes high-quality research bringing together academics to exchange, share and engage in dialogue with policymakers, practitioners, industry representatives and members of the public. With an ethos of inclusivity and respect for diverse realms of economic expertise, the seminar series will bring together those working on current challenges across a broad range of research interests: Social Policy, Personal Finance, Innovation, Macroeconomics, Development Economics, Health, Inequality and Employment, Philosophy and History of Economics.


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