As another Halloween creeps up on us, why not dig deeper into our fang-tastic educational resources on all things to do with All Hallows' Eve?
The origins of Halloween and what it means now
The history of Halloween
When it comes to Halloween, do Christians and Pagans have anything in common?
Halloween: What’s the devil got to do with it?
Why is Halloween, an evening traditionally used to honour the deceased, now associated with all things spooky and gruesome?
Nos Galan Gaeaf: the traditional Welsh celebration being eclipsed by modern Halloween
From bonfires to bobbing apples, explore how Welsh people have celebrated Nos Galan Gaeaf through the centuries and how it is linked to Halloween.
Discover zombie psychology and the apocalypse
What are your chances during a zombie apocalypse?
According to mathematics we'd all die in a zombie apocalypse but nature and computer science offer us more optimistic outcomes.
Can you resist zombification?
From The Walking Dead to Call Of Duty WWII, zombies are everywhere. Join us on an exploration of the undead amongst us...
Hallowain't III: Kilifish - the zombie fish
Swimming around without any self-control, the better to spread infection. Are killifish zombies, raised from the dead? No.
Although we all die, how we mark the end of a life varies between places and cultures. This article and associated animation explores different customs and traditions that people around the world perform in relation to death. Most people haven't heard of advance care plans or may avoid planning for end-of-life care. Dr Erica Borgstrom tells us why... What does the Harry Potter series have in common with our Muggle world when it comes to death and bereavement? Dr Sam Murphy explores.
Death around the world
Let’s not talk about dying: Five reasons why people avoid planning for their end-of-life care
Harry Potter and death and bereavement
Unearth project fear and the science behind it
Project Fear: Order your free graphic novel
An uncertain world. Can systems thinking free us from fear? Simon Bell & Charles Cutting's graphic novel asks the question.
What happens to our brains when we're afraid - and can that help us overcome fear?
Research into brain activity when we're scared may point the way to overcoming fear.
The Science of Fear
Recoil at the number 13? Scream at spiders? At some point, we all get scared. But why, and how? This article explores the science behind fear.
Delve into witchcraft, wizards and clowns
Magical Modernity in a Muggle World? Witchcraft, Spirituality and Everyday Enchantment
Does magic only exist in the wizarding world for the likes of Harry Potter? Dr Sara MacKian explores all the enchantment and spiritualities of our muggle-filled land.
Witches in popular culture
Western culture can't seem to shake off portraying women as witches. Dr Chloé Germaine Buckley wonders why.
The real reason clowns scare us
With the release of Stephen King's 'It' and the terrifying character Pennywise we look back on this article, published last year, questioning why we are scared by the faces clowns pull.
Gothic and supernatural themes in art and literature
Mary Shelley: the expert view
Stephanie Forward outlines the life and legacy of the author of 'Frankenstein', Mary Shelley.
‘There Were Four of Us’
How Ken Russell’s Gothic reinstates the missing woman at the Villa Diodati.
Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus
What does Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus tell us about the author and the time at which the play was written? This free course, Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus, will help you to discover the intricacies of the play and recognise how a knowledge of the historical and political background of the time can lead to a very different ...
Horror and politics
How Ken Russell’s Gothic foregoes radical politics in favour of sex and necromancy.
In this free course, Delacroix, you will be introduced to a variety of Delacroix's work and will see how his paintings relate to the cultural transition from Enlightenment to Romanticism. You will study Delacroix's early career, his classical background, the development of Romantic ideas and their incorporation into his work. You will have the ...
Art in Renaissance Venice
This free course, Art in Renaissance Venice, considers the art of Renaissance Venice and how such art was determined in many ways by the city's geographical location and ethnically diverse population. Studying Venice and its art offers a challenge to the conventional notion of Renaissance art as an entirely Italian phenomenon.
Sink your teeth into our spooky free courses
Moons of our Solar System
In this free course, Moons of our Solar System, explore the many moons of our Solar System. Find out what makes them special. Should we send humans to our Moon again?
Free course
24 hours
Level: 1 Introductory
A spiritual revolution? Wicca and religious change in the 1960s
This free course, A spiritual revolution? Wicca and religious change in the 1960s looks at the ‘crisis’ of traditional religion in the Sixties in the Western world. It explores the process of religious renewal, looking at the development of Wicca, the prototypical form of modern Paganism. Originally presented as a Goddess religion of great ...
Free course
3 hours
Level: 1 Introductory
The Moon
As the only planetary body everyone is familiar with seeing in the sky, the Moon has long been an object of fascination and speculation. This free course will teach you about the nearest planetary body to Earth: the missions to the Moon, the basic facts of its composition, the cratering on its surface, and the ancient eruptions that flooded many...
Free course
6 hours
Level: 1 Introductory
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