
Sustainable pedagogies

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Sustainable pedagogies

About this course

  • 24 hours study
  • Level 3: Advanced
  • Gain a digital badge


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    • Welcome to the course

      This free course is aimed at all educators who want to develop their professional practice to prepare their students to become agents for sustainability in a world that urgently needs to become sustainable.

      The course focuses on the central role that education can and should play and it helps to enact what being sustainable means, no matter the subject, and is focused on how to do this through pedagogies – ways of facilitating learning – to help position students to grow the skills, attitudes and ways of being in the world to contribute to a globally sustainable future. Sustainable pedagogies is an educational response to international recognition that finite resources, economic development and population growth will challenge current and future generations.

      There are eight units in the course with each designed to take around 3 hours to complete. Each unit builds on the preceding ones to give you an overview of the breadth of ideas and principles that make up sustainable pedagogies. Optional readings are offered for those who want to explore more about a particular idea or pedagogy.

      Sustainable pedagogies
      is a badged open course. If you complete the course and the assessed elements of the course (posting to the forum and successfully completing the quiz), you will receive a digital badge that you can add to your CV and/or advertise on social media profiles.

  • Gain a digital badge

    Gain a digital badge

    By studying the course you will have the opportunity to gain a digital badge – you need to click on the ‘Enrol’ button to be able to do the quizzes and earn the badge.

  • Course learning outcomes

    After studying this course you should be able to:

    • Discuss the principles and practices of sustainable pedagogies and being sustainable. 
    • Express why the concepts of care and compassion are sustainable pedagogies.
    • Reflect on the ways education for sustainability involves pedagogies of collaboration and co-creation which entangle us beyond our immediate educational contexts. 
    • Understand that working across traditional disciplines provides necessary wisdom about sustainability.
    • Communicate, collaborate and co-create with others in ways that promote sustainability.

  • Course dates:

    First Published 16/04/2024.

Course content

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