Please note that there is a new and improved version of this course available here.
Are you looking to update your skills? Would you like to show your future employer you are not just 'out of college'? Would you like to move up in your field or gain experience in an area you are not yet working on? Then you might be interested in taking a Massive Open Online Course, a MOOC. This free course will help you understand how you can use MOOCs for learning, and how you can grow professionally studying a MOOC, whether or not you are already in employment.
The course lasts 4 weeks, with approximately 3 hours' study time each week. It is not facilitated. You can work through the course at your own pace, so if you have more time one week there is no problem with pushing on to complete another week's study. You can also take as long as you want to complete it.
Enrol now to track your progress. You will receive a Statement of Participation if you read all sections and post an entry to the forum 'Crowdsourcing MOOCs for PD' in Week 2.
Before we start, please tell us about yourself and your expectations in this brief questionnaire.
This course is part of the bizMOOC Project. Follow us on Twitter @bizMOOCbook or tweet using #bizMOOC1.
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