Learning journals
As you work through the course it is a good idea to keep a Learning Journal, where you can make notes on activities, key words and concepts or elements that are particularly relevant for you. Your Learning Journal can either be a notebook or you may wish to create an electronic journal either by creating a document on your computer or mobile device, or create a personal blog.
Thinking about how you are getting on with your learning is also very helpful when it comes to improving how you are learning or simply looking back on your progress so far. You can use your Learning Journal to do this. Think about whether you have found the best time to study, whether you are taking enough or too many notes, and whether you have understood all the concepts covered in a course.
How you use your Learning Journal is personal to you. Writing things down in your own words will help your understanding. It will give you a handy review of the main ideas that you can refer to later. People learn in different ways, and it is important for you to experiment to find out which methods work best for you.