Week 1: Thinking about inclusive education


5. A model for thinking about inclusive education

5.2. Focus on the Wave model of intervention

Activity 1.5 What does the Wave model of intervention mean for you?

Allow approximately 1 hour for this activity.

  • Read the following article, thinking about the prompts below and make some notes in your study notebook.

Sarton, E. and Smith, M. (2018). UNICEF Think Piece Series: Disability Inclusion. UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office, Nairobi.

WAVE 1 (Inclusive quality first teaching for all) - INTERVENTIONS: Increased opportunity for group work and participation; Improved use of learning aids made out of local resources. WAVE 2 (Additional interventions to enable children to work at age-related expectations or above) - INTERVENTIONS: Access: Improved identification; Community/parent outreach; Multiagency approach; Use of data on a school and national level. Quality: Provision of assistive devices/medical support; Partnership with medical services; Support from relevant technology; Support from teacher/SEND specialist. Engagement/Ethos: Make physical environment more accessible; Disability clubs; Development of a buddy scheme; Encourage a parent of a disabled child to join a PTA/SMC; Ensure disabled children can access extra-curricular activities and sports. WAVE 3 (Highly personalised interventions) - INTERVENTIONS: Specialist unit within school; Accessible curriculum and examination systems; Qualified SEND teachers or designated teacher responsible for leading on inclusion; Special schools; Strong relationships between special and mainstream schools to support learning and transfers.

Figure 2 Sarton and Smith’s three-level Wave model of intervention. View PDF version

Page 2: Are you familiar with the definitions of inclusion and disability the authors give? Is there anything you would add?

Pages 3 and 4:  How do the ‘3 waves of intervention’ link to ‘universal’, ‘targeted’ and ‘specialist’ provision?

Pages 5 and 6: When/how could you make more use of group or paired work in your lessons?

What sort of learning aids could you provide?

Pages 7 and 8: What are the differences between Wave 1 and Wave 2 intervention?

Page 9 to 11: What are the challenges of Wave 3? What changes are needed to make the Wave model work?

  • Now take a look back at your reflections from Activity 1.4 and add to them now you have a better understanding of the Wave model. On the Week 1 forum contribute a short post summarising your thoughts on the Wave model of intervention and how you might use any ideas from the article.