Evaluating digital tools


Some tips on how to tell if a digital tool is safe, secure and suitable for you.

How can I tell if a tool is authentic, safe and right for me?

Graphic of two speech bubbles with question marks inside them.Any health and care tool should make the following obvious: 

  • who developed it 
  • what its purpose is 
  • who it is for. 
What if the tool asks for very personal information?

Take special care if the tool is asking you for very personal or sensitive information. In this case, you might want to check how this information will be used. 

How can I receive support?

If in doubt, it is best to discuss it with someone you trust. In some cases, your healthcare provider may be able to offer some support. 

Certain charities also have roles such as “Digital Champions”. They might be able tell whether a tool is suitable for you or not. 

Check ALISS to see if any organisations around you offer digital skills support.