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Andrea Mulder Post 1

27 February 2020, 10:23 AM

Overarching Research Data Management

At my internship company they have quite a bit of information available in the overarching topic of research data management. The focus lies on how to archive re-usable data, which is of course a requisite before people can start re-using data. To me there seems to be less focus on how to access this re-usable data. But they do list a number of sources to find research data or facts, of which one is their own data, which is stored in (a.o.) DataverseNL, DataDryad and their own repository. In the latter can be found a link to the data belonging to the publication. 

Emma Harris

Emma Harris
Post 2 in reply to 1

28 February 2020, 2:53 PM

I recognise this issue of telling putting the emphasis on sharing but not on how to access what others have shared. Good point.