Assignment 2: Self-archiving

Self-archive your work in an open repository!

  1. Create an ORCID
  2. Log in to Zenodo, OSF or Figshare and upload a recent working paper, poster or presentation that you created, i.e. for a conference or research colloquium. Create a DOI by publishing it in the repository of your choice.
  3. Create a new entry in the Course Repository and write a few sentences about it and include a link to it. (you will see an example).

                 What if I can't self-archive my work?                  

Alternative Assignment 2:

If you don't have a recent working paper, poster or presentation that you want to share or if you don't have the full copyright to your material (e.g., in research teams you want to ask your co-authors for their permission before you archive multi-author publications), don't worry! Here is an alternative assignment that you can complete instead:

    1. Create an ORCID
    2. Go to a preprint server for your subject area (e.g., Arxiv q-bio,, MedRxiv, Nature Precedings, F1000Research etc.) and find an article you find interesting.
    3. Create a new entry in the Course Repository, write a few sentences about why it's relevant or interesting to you and link the preprint to it.


    Last modified: Thursday, 30 January 2020, 9:41 AM