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Merle Lopez Post 1

16 June 2021, 7:20 PM

Activity 2.8 Challenges presented by LCE

Teachers from inception believe that their position in the classroom is in front of the students and this has been a challenge for me. They will walk around while teaching making it difficult for some students to focus. The document spoke about group sessions where students are grouped and the teachers still remain in front this is a fact. I believe group sessions are very important it gives students the opportunity to share ideas, helps the slow learner to feel part of, it increase social interaction …. For the best result of group sessions the teacher should ensure that she circulates herself to each group listening to their conversation, asking questions, making suggestions and encouraging all members to share.

Kim Sammy-Yetsam Post 2 in reply to 1

3 August 2021, 10:55 PM

I am in agreement with  this, tested and tried