Routes into health and social care

Find out more about routes into health and social care by using the links below.

You can browse the skills, interests and qualities you need to work in a range of health related roles, including a nurse, residential care worker or social worker.

For example, to work as health services manager you should have:

  • a flexible approach with the ability to cope with constant change
  • good problem-solving skills
  • financial management and number skills for budget control and cost analysis
  • strong written and spoken communication skills
  • the ability to give presentations and deal with the press
  • the ability to motivate others to meet deadlines
  • leadership skills
  • good negotiation skills
  • the ability to explain complex issues clearly to a wide range of audiences
  • a good understanding of issues surrounding confidentiality
  • the ability to deal with stress.

Read a health service manager’s job description [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .

You might be interested in working within the voluntary sector. Browsing the jobs advertised on the Goodmoves website will give you an idea of job descriptions, roles and requirements for working within the health and social care voluntary sector.

The careers website Prospects describes different kinds of jobs in social care and provides details of the qualifications you might need to become a learning disability nurse or a social worker. While this website is aimed mainly at graduates, there are other occupations in these work areas that do not need degree-level qualifications.

The National Careers Services job profiles website can tell you about employment within the social services sector.

The Scottish careers website Planitplus provides information about working as a health services manager.

Finding out about health and social care

How to revive an earlier career