Starting from scratch / getting back into studying
Mindmaps [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
(Introductory, 10 mins)
How to construct a mind map.
(Introductory, 1 hr)
Read bar graphs, pie charts and grid charts. Review percentages in pie charts. Compare types of information shown in different kinds of charts.
(Introductory, 1 hr)
Review the basics of summarizing. Identify main idea statements and detail statements. Use categories to summarise lists.
(Introductory, 1 hr)
Edit for capital letters, punctuation and verb tense. Identify sentence fragments and question words. Use an editing checklist.
Numbers: an introduction to subtraction
(Introductory, 1 hr)
Do you want to improve your ability to subtract one number from another, especially if decimals are involved, without having to rely on a calculator? This unit will help you get to grips with subtraction and give you some practice in doing it.
Living with the internet, learning online
(Introductory, 4 hrs)
Learning online is one of the great advantages of information technology. This unit will help you establish a safe and comfortable working environment to ensure that your study time at the computer screen does not impact on your health. It also looks at the basic skills for online study, such as file management and installing software.
Am I ready to study in English?
(Introductory, 5 hrs)
Even if you feel confident using English in everyday situations, studying in English at higher education level might present extra challenges. This unit provides an opportunity for you to reflect on your English language skills. Ideal if English is not your first language.
Maths for science and technology
(Introductory, 5 hrs)
Thinking about starting a course in science and technology and wondering whether your level of maths is going to be enough to get you through? This unit will show you how to reflect on what you know, identify which skills you might need for the course, and help you learn those skills using worked examples and activities.
(Introductory, 6 hrs)
Learning how to learn: a process we all engage in throughout our lives, but no single method of learning guarantees success. This unit aims to make learning much more explicit by inviting you to apply various ideas and activities to your own study to increase awareness of your own learning. Most learning has to be an active process – and this is particularly true of learning how to learn.
(Introductory, 6 hrs)
Here are three relaxation techniques, which you can use before and during the exam.
(Introductory, 8 hrs)
Ask questions to make yourself think about what you read; think about what the key concepts and issues are; detach yourself from disagreements with the author’s views.
(Introductory, 12 hrs)
Describe some basic techniques relating to reading, for example, highlighting, note taking and the processing; write in your own words using references and quoting sources.
Essay and report writing skills
(Introductory, 15 hrs)
Writing reports and assignments can be a daunting prospect. This unit is designed to help you develop the skills you need to write effectively for academic purposes. You will learn how to interpret questions and how to plan, structure and write your assignment or report.
(Intermediate, 25 hrs)
This unit will enable you to reflect upon what you have learned from work and support you in improving how you learn at work. Work does not just mean the work you do when employed by an organisation. It includes self-employment, voluntary work or caring for others.
(Introductory, 100 hrs)
This unit is for people who are thinking about making changes in their lives, such as returning to study or taking a different direction at work. It will help you build on what you already know; consider the choices open to you; use your skills and qualities to achieve change; and make plans for the future.