Health Management, Ethics and Research Module: 11. Developing Your Community Profile
Study Session 11 Developing Your Community Profile
In Study Session 10, you were introduced to the community survey, which is the data collection tool you will make use of in developing your community profile.
The community profile is essential in producing evidence-based information for planning, implementation and evaluation of health programmes in your catchment area. It can also be a basis for suggesting further small-scale research into local health problems and their possible solutions.
As a Health Extension Practitioner you need to have the knowledge and skill to develop a community profile, which will enable you to identify important health-related factors in your community. You are also expected to update and develop further the kebele-level community profile at regular intervals after your deployment to the Health Post. This is what the following study session will teach you to do, besides helping you understand the basic terminologies related to different data types used in developing your community profile.