11.1 What is a community profile?
A community profile is the analysed and reported results of the data collected by a community survey, which describes a combined picture or profile of the population in your community. It may include such features as:
- kebele boundaries (Figure 11.1)
- the numbers of people and households
- the ages and genders of the population
- birth and death rates
- income and socioeconomic advantage/disadvantage data
- social/community needs
- access to services (e.g. health, education, water supply)
- knowledge, attitudes and beliefs on important health topics affecting the population.
Think back to Study Session 10. In order to generate a community profile, will the community survey collect quantitative data, qualitative data or both? Explain your answer.
It will collect both types of data: quantitative data (counts) of the number of households, people, ages, genders, education level, etc., and qualitative data on people’s knowledge, attitudes and beliefs on health issues and other related topics.
Learning Outcomes for Study Session 11